Grounded in more than 39 years of post-graduate experience in pediatrics, anesthesiology, pediatric critical care, and pediatric anesthesiology at a highly respected academic medical center.
Grounded in more than 39 years of post-graduate experience in pediatrics, anesthesiology, pediatric critical care, and pediatric anesthesiology at a highly respected academic medical center.
Sometimes situations lead to unfortunate circumstances which could be the result of actions outside the standard of care. Patients get hurt. Other times reasonable practice in a tough clinical situation can still lead to poor outcome. A fresh read of the chart, balanced by knowledge and experience can help identify key factors in deciding how to proceed.
Certainly one of the most important aspects of scientific work is effectively communicating what has been done in the context of prior work. Creating an effective and articulate presentation requires an appreciation of the audience, medium, essential aspects of the work, limitations, and relevance for present and future directions.
Writing a complete and informative manuscript that will get published in a respectable journal relevant to the field of study is the basis not only of good scientific work, but also academic promotion. But the process can be daunting. Fresh eyes can often help in spotting key gaps and opportunities to catch a reviewer’s interest and will make a difference.
Essential to the advancement of clinical care is the ethical, effective and efficient study, analysis and communication of the conditions, processes, and interventions by invested researchers.
A fresh eye can help optimize protocols.
A keen eye and creative mind can solve a problem to improve many lives. The challenge is building a novel solution: taking that idea, protecting it, and building a functioning prototype, assessing performance (perhaps in the clinical setting), and arriving at a marketable design. That is the goal.
Key aspects of a complicated clinical condition and planned procedure must be considered in managing patients in a way to optimize benefits and limit risks. Experience, technical skill, communications, and collaboration are essential.
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